Title | Lecturer | Affilation | Start Date | End Date | Host | |
String Field Theory: Achievements and Challenges | Barton Zwiebach | MIT | 29-Jul-2024 | 31-Jul-2024 | ||
Distinguished Lecture Series by Professor Joseph Silk | Professor Joseph Silk | Johns Hopkins University | 22-May-2023 | 24-May-2023 | ||
Journeys in Quantum Field Theory and Phase Transitions | Prof. Zohar Komargodski | the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics in Stony Brook | 27-Mar-2023 | 29-Mar-2023 | ||
Distinguished Lecture Series by Professor Rachel Somerville | Rachel Somerville | Rutgers University | 08-Nov-2022 | 09-Nov-2022 | ||
Soft Active Matter, Instabilities, Phase Transitions, Self-Assembly and Self-Replication | Prof. Paul Chaikin | NYU | 21-Jan-2019 | 23-Jan-2019 | ||
Exploring Flatland with cold atoms | Jean Dalibard | College de France and Kastler Brossel laboratory (Paris, France) | 14-Jan-2018 | 18-Jan-2018 | ||
The New Era of Gravitational Wave Physics and Astrophysics | Alessandra Buonanno | Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics |
alessandra.buonanno@aei.mpg.de |
04-Jun-2017 | 09-Jun-2017 | Adi Nusser |
The Secret Relationship of the Top Quark and the Higgs Boson | Michael E. Peskin | SLAC |
mpeskin@slac.stanford.edu |
23-Apr-2017 | 27-Apr-2017 | Yael Shadmi |
Towards understanding of evolutionary dynamics | Prof. Daniel Fisher | Stanford University |
dsfisher@stanford.edu |
27-Mar-2017 | 31-Mar-2017 | Erez Braun |
Quantum information processing with trapped ions | Rainer Blatt | Universitaet Innsbruck |
quantumoptics-blatt@uibk.ac.at |
20-Mar-2017 | 23-Mar-2017 | Adi Nusser |
Gravitational Waves: A New Frontier in Science | Barry Barish | Caltech | 21-Nov-2016 | 26-Nov-2016 | ||
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics via the study of large fluctuations | Gianni Jona-Lasinio | Sapienza University of Rome |
gianni.jona@roma1.infn.it |
31-Oct-2016 | 09-Nov-2016 | Eric Akkermans |
The Near Field Cosmology | Brent Tully | Institute for Astronomy, Hawaii |
adi@physics.technion.ac.il |
06-Jun-2016 | 09-Jun-2016 | Adi Nusser |
New Frontiers of Quantum Optics | Mikhail Lukin | Harvard University |
lukin@physics.harvard.edu |
11-Jan-2016 | 13-Jan-2016 | Moti Segev |
Quantum Materials in restricted Dimension | Zhi - Xun Shen | Stanford University |
zxshen@stanford.edu |
21-Dec-2015 | 23-Dec-2015 | Amit Keren |
Superfluid 3He in the Zero-Temperature Limit: “Pure” Quantum Behaviour | George Pickett | Lancaster University |
g.pickett@lancaster.ac.uk |
09-Mar-2014 | 13-Mar-2014 | Emil Polturak |
Issues in Theoretical Physics | Jean Zinn-Justin | CEA/IRFU Centre de Saclay, Institut de Physique Theorique, Gif-sur-Yvette, France |
jean.zinn-justin@cea.fr |
08-Jan-2014 | 29-Jan-2014 | Moshe Moshe |
Interaction of matter and radiation under extreme astrophysical conditions | Rashid Sunyaev | Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Germany |
rsyunyaev@gmail.com |
17-Nov-2013 | 21-Nov-2013 | Ari Laor |
The death and afterlife of massive stars | Roger Chevalier | University of Virginia |
rac5x@virginia.edu |
02-Jun-2013 | 06-Jun-2013 | Noam Soker |
The Many Faces of Accretion | Ramesh Narayan | Harvard University |
rnarayan@cfa.harvard.edu |
21-Apr-2013 | 24-Apr-2013 | Ari Laor |
Quantum information and many-body quantum systems. | Ignacio Cirac | Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany |
ignacio.cirac@mpq.mpg.de |
01-Dec-2012 | 08-Dec-2012 | Joseph Avron |
From Gauge/Gravity Duality to Condensed Matter | Dam T. Son | University of Chicago |
dtson@uchicago.edu |
14-Nov-2012 | 21-Nov-2012 | Amos Yarom |
The Structure and Evolution of Galaxies | John Kormendy | Dept. of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin; Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physic |
mkormendy@dishmail.net |
20-May-2012 | 30-May-2012 | Ari Laor |
Exploding Stars and the Accelerating Universe | Robert Kirshner | Harvard University |
RKirshner@cfa.harvard.edu |
20-Dec-2011 | 31-Dec-2011 | Ehud Behar |
Statistical Mechanics of Systems out of Equilibrium | Bernard Derrida | ENS Paris |
derrida@lps.ens.fr |
16-Jun-2011 | 21-Jun-2011 | Yariv Kafri |
Fundamental tests of quantum physics with atoms and photons in a box. | Serge Haroche | ENS, Paris and College de France |
Serge.Haroche@lkb.ens.fr |
25-May-2011 | 01-Jun-2011 | Eric Akkermans |
New Perspectives on Scattering in Gauge Theory and Gravity | Lance J. Dixon | Stanford Linear Accelarator Center |
lance@slac.stanfrod.edu |
07-Apr-2011 | 11-Apr-2011 | Yael Shadmi |
Many body localization | Igor Aleiner | Columbia University |
aleiner@phys.columbia.edu |
25-Dec-2010 | 29-Dec-2010 | Shmuel Fishman |
Ultracold gases as a new tool in condensed matter physics | Lev Pitaevskii | University of Trento, Italy |
lev@science.unitn.it |
27-Nov-2010 | 23-Nov-2010 | Shmuel Fishman |
Current Topics in Condensed Matter Physics: Cuprate Superconductors, Dirac Materials, and Topological Insulators | Phuan Ong | Department of Physics, Princeton University |
npo@princeton.edu |
27-Apr-2010 | 06-May-2010 | Amit Keren |
Statistical Mechanics, Phase Transitions and Random Matrices | Thomas Spencer | Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton |
spencer@ias.edu |
11-Mar-2010 | 18-Mar-2010 | Shmuel Fishman |
Controlling the Motion of Matter with Light | Mark Raizen | University of Texas at Austin |
raizen@physics.utexas.edu |
26-Nov-2009 | 29-Nov-2009 | Moti Segev |
Condensed Matter Physics and Quantitative Biology | David R. Nelson | Harvard University |
1ʁ.com |
16-Oct-2009 | 23-Nov-2009 | Yariv Kafri |
Big Bang, Black Holes and the Quantum: Physics Beyond General Relativity | Abhay Ashtekar | Penn State University |
amos@physics.technion.ac.il |
03-Feb-2009 | 11-Feb-2009 | Amos Ori |
The New Quantum Age | Alain Aspect | Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau |
alain.aspect@institutoptique.fr |
06-Jan-2009 | 11-Jan-2009 | Moti Segev |
Dark matter, LHC, and string theory | Gordon Kane | University of Michigan |
eilam@physics.technion.ac.il |
14-Dec-2008 | 20-Dec-2008 | Gad Eilam |
Exploring Quantum Matter with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices | Immanuel Bloch | Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz |
msegev@tx.technion.ac.il |
08-Apr-2008 | 17-Apr-2008 | Moti Segev |
The Long Term Dynamical Evolution of Planetary Systems | Scott Tremaine | Princeton University |
tremaine@ias.edu |
08-Jan-2008 | 17-Jan-2008 | Adi Nusser |
Photon Entanglement: from Fundamental Questions to Quantum Communication and Quantum Computation (In Memory of Asher Peres) | Anton Zeilinger | University of Vienna |
anton.zeilinger@univie.ac.at |
01-Jan-2008 | 09-Jan-2008 | Moti Segev |
Adventures in the Theory of Glassy Materials | James Langer | University of California at Santa Barbara |
langer@physics.ucsb.edu |
01-Nov-2007 | 05-Nov-2007 | Shmuel Fishman |
Quantum Chaos, Random Matrix Theory and Number Theory | Jon Keating | University of Bristol |
j.p.keating@bristol.ac.uk |
02-May-2007 | 09-May-2007 | Shmuel Fishman |
Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Information with Quantum Optics | Peter Zoller | University of Innsbruck |
Peter.Zoller@uibk.ac.at |
09-Apr-2007 | 16-Apr-2007 | Shmuel Fishman |
Quantum Phase Transitions | Subir Sachdev | Harvard University |
lastname@g.harvard.edu |
12-Mar-2007 | 19-Mar-2007 | Assa Auerbach |
Successes and Mysteries in Particle Physics | Jonathan L. Rosner | University of Chicago |
rosner@hep.uchicago.edu |
14-Jan-2007 | 30-Jan-2007 | Michael Gronau |
New Ideas about the Origin and Future of the Universe | Paul Steinhardt | Princeton University, USA |
steinh@princeton.edu |
12-Jun-2006 | 22-Jun-2006 | Dov Levine |
New Paradigms for the 21st Century | Leonard Susskind | Stanford University, U.S.A. |
susskind@stanford.edu |
23-Apr-2006 | 28-Apr-2006 | Oren Bergman |
Beyond the Standard Model: A Confrontation with Fundamental Questions | Michael Dine | University of California at Santa-Cruz |
dine@scipp.ucsc.edu |
22-Mar-2006 | 31-Mar-2006 | Yael Shadmi |
Adventures in Theoretical Physics | Edward Witten | nstitute for Advanced Study, USA |
witten@ias.edu |
31-Jan-2006 | 02-Feb-2006 | Oren Bergman |
Quantum-Mechanical Integrated Circuits | Michel Devoret | Yale University, USA |
michel.devoret@yale.edu |
18-Dec-2005 | 22-Dec-2005 | Eric Akkermans |
General Relativity in the 21st Century (In Memory Of Nathan Rosen) | Eanna Flanagan | Cornell University, New York |
eef3@cornell.edu |
17-May-2005 | 28-May-2005 | Amos Ori |
Aspects of Biological Evolution and Computation | Albert J. Libchaber | Rockefeller University, NY U.S.A. |
Albert.Libchaber@rockefeller.edu |
06-Apr-2005 | 15-Apr-2005 | Erez Braun |
Statistical Physics and the Triumph of Models | Michael E. Fisher | University of Maryland, U.S.A. |
xpectnil@ipst.umd.edu |
11-Nov-2004 | 15-Nov-2004 | Shmuel Fishman |
Time Reversal Properties of Complex and Chaotic Media | Mathias Fink | Ecole Superieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles |
mathias.fink@especi.fr |
02-Jun-2004 | 09-Jun-2004 | Eric Akkermans |
Jets Magnetism and Gravomagnetism | Donald Lynden-Bell | University of Cambridge, United Kingdom |
dlb@ast.cam.ac.uk |
13-Apr-2004 | 22-Apr-2004 | Adi Nusser |
Explorations of QCD with Supersymmetric Tools (In Memory of Michael (Misha) Marinov) | Mikhail Shifman | University of Minnesota, U.S.A. |
shifman@physics.umn.edu |
31-Dec-2003 | 07-Jan-2004 | Michael Gronau |
Disorder and Interactions in Electron Systems | Thierry Giamarchi | University of Geneva, Switzerland |
Thierry.Giamarchi@unige.ch |
25-May-2003 | 01-Jun-2003 | Assa Auerbach |
Atom-Photon interactions: Basic processes and applications | Claude Cohen-Tannoudji | Ecole Normale Superieure |
claude.cohen-tannoudji@lkb.ens.fr |
02-Mar-2002 | 14-Mar-2002 | Eric Akkermans |
Quantum Information | Dr. Charles Bennett | IBM Watson Research Center, U.S.A. |
bennetc@us.ibm.com |
15-Dec-2000 | 22-Dec-2000 | Adi Nusser |
Ultra-Cold Atomic Gases | Jean Dalibard | Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris |
jean.dalibard@lkb.ens.fr |
03-Apr-2000 | 16-Apr-2000 | Eric Akkermans |
New developments in Field Theory and string Theory | Nathan Seiberg | Princeton University |
seiberg@ias.edu |
28-Mar-2000 | 03-Apr-2000 | Shmuel Fishman |
Aspects of Physical Asymptotics | Michael Berry, FRS | University of Bristol, United Kingdom |
asymptotico@bristol.ac.uk |
13-Jun-1999 | 28-Jun-1999 | Joseph Avron |
Field Theory for Electrons | Ramamurti Shankar | Yale University, USA |
r.shankar@yale.edu |
20-May-1999 | 30-May-1999 | Assa Auerbach |
Turbulence in Space | Peter Goldreich | Caltech, U.S.A |
pmg@ias.edu |
13-Mar-1999 | 24-Mar-1999 | Ari Laor |
Symmetry and Supersymmetry | Julius Wess | Ludwig-Maxmilians University, Munich |
W@wess.ac.il |
02-Mar-1999 | 09-Mar-1999 | Assa Auerbach |
Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics | Joel Lebowitz | Rutgers University, New Brunswick, U.S.A. |
lebowitz@math.rutgers.edu |
15-Apr-1998 | 23-Apr-1998 | Joseph Avron |
Interactions and Chaos in Mesoscopic Quantum Systems | Boris Altshuler | NEC Research Institute | 21-Nov-1997 | 29-Nov-1997 | ||
Topological Quantum Numbers | David Thoules | Washington University, Seattle |
avital@ph.technion.ac.il |
05-Nov-1997 | 11-Nov-1997 | Joseph Avron |
Chaos: From Astrophysics to Microphysics | Martin C. Gutzwiller | IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
gutzwiller@pks.mpg.de |
18-Apr-1997 | 27-Apr-1997 | Shmuel Fishman |
The Quantum Hall Effect | Bertrand J. Halperin | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA |
bastin@physics.harvard.edu |
11-Nov-1996 | 22-Nov-1996 | Assa Auerbach |
Decay of Correlations in Dynamical Systems | David Ruelle | IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France |
ruelle@ihes.fr |
07-May-1995 | 13-May-1995 | Joseph Avron |
Non-Abelian Gauge Theories as the Fundamental Interactions | Gerard t Hooft | Universiteit Utrecht |
g.thooft@uu.nl |
05-May-1995 | 07-May-1995 | Moshe Moshe |