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Distinguished Lecture Series

Professor Zhi - Xun Shen

Stanford University

will give a series of lectures on

Quantum Materials in restricted Dimension

Quantum material in restricted dimension has been a rich ground for discoveries, as exemplified by high temperature superconductivity, quantum Hall effect, graphene, and giant magnetoresistance in multilayers. Development of novel experimental techniques and their matching to these novel material systems has been a major area of progress in condensed matter physics. This lecture series focuses on this development – with case studies on cuprate high temperature superconductors, interface superconductivity, monolayer semiconductors, and magnetic domain walls.

Professor Shen's main research interest lies in the area of condensed matter and materials physics, as well as the energy applications of materials and devices. His work advanced substantially our understanding of materials related to basic energy sciences, including the physics of superconductors, oxides, semiconductors, novel magnets, density wave materials, topological insulators, novel carbon, and electron emitters. His work has been recognized by important awards, including the Kamerlingh Onne Prize (international prize on superconductivity); the E.O. Lawrence Award (US Department of Energy award); the Oliver E. Buckley Prize (condensed matter prize of the American Physical Society). In 2015, Dr. Shen was elected into the US National Academy of Sciences

Program of Lectures

Type Title Date Time Location Presentation
Colloquium High Temperature Superconductivity - Insights from Einstein's Electrons modern physics 21-Dec-2015 14:30 Lidow Rosen Auditorium (323)
Condensed Matter Seminar Novel Materials Physics at Atomically Thin Limit 22-Dec-2015 14:30 Lidow Nathan Rosen (300)
Condensed Matter Seminar Mobile metallic domain walls in an all-in-all-out magnetic insulator 23-Dec-2015 13:30 Lidow Nathan Rosen (300)