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Distinguished Lecture Series

Professor Mikhail Lukin

Harvard University

will give a series of lectures on

New Frontiers of Quantum Optics

We will discuss recent developments at a new scientific interface between quantum optics, nanoscience and quantum information science. Specific examples include the use of quantum optical techniques for manipulation of individual atom-like impurities at a nanoscale and for realization of hybrid systems combining ultracold atoms with nanophotonic devices. We will discuss how these techniques are used for realization of strongly interacting photons in quantum nonlinear optics and quantum networks, exploring many-body quantum dynamics away from equilibrium, and developing unique new applications such as magnetic resonance imaging with single atom resolution and nanoscale sensing in biology and material science.

For pioneering theoretical and experimental work at the interface between quantum optics, quantum information processing, and the quantum many body problem, Prof. Mikhail Lukin was awarded the 2009 I.I. Rabi Prize (by the APS) in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics  

Program of Lectures

Type Title Date Time Location Presentation
Colloquium Exploring new frontiers of quantum optical science 11-Jan-2016 14:30 Lidow Rosen Auditorium (323)
Condensed Matter Seminar Strongly interacting atoms and photons 12-Jan-2016 14:30 Lidow Asher Peres (502)
Condensed Matter Seminar Atom-like impurities in solid-state: new science and applications 13-Jan-2016 12:30 Lidow Asher Peres (502)