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Distinguished Lecturer Series - Event Details

Astrophysics Seminar
Unavoidable CMB Spectral Features and Blackbody Photosphere of Our Universe
Prof. Rashid Sunyaev
Lidow 620
Astrophysics and Cosmology provide us with exciting variety of physical conditions not achievable in the ground based laboratories. Prof. Rashid Sunyaev plans to speak on: (a) how the presence of the hot (kTe ~ 3 - 10 KeV) rarefied gas in the clusters of galaxies (most massive gravitationally bound objects in the Universe) leads to the appearance of "negative sources" in the angular distribution of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and permits to measure the peculiar velocities of these clusters relative to the unique coordinate frame where CMB is isotropic. Planck spacecraft, ground based South Pole and Atacama Cosmology Telescopes discovered recently hundreds of unknown before Clusters of Galaxies at high redshifts detecting these "negative sources". He plans to describe Russian- German Spectrum-X/eRosita space mission able to detect all clusters of galaxies in the observable universe and up to 3 millions of accreting supermassive black holes (Active Galactic Nuclei) during 4 year long X-Ray sky survey. (b) how and at which redshifts the observed close to ideal black body spectrum of CMB was formed. Why we dream that proposed space missions like PRISM and PIXIE will be able to detect traces of any significant energy release in our Universe at redshifts smaller than 2 million? (c) how X-Ray observations were able to detect the traces of the strong activity of the central black hole of our Galaxy which occurred hundreds of years ago. Why we believe that iron K-alpha line will become great instrument for the investigations of the molecular and atomic hydrogen clouds in our and external galaxies.